NET FINDER NetFinder is an easy-to-use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client program for Macintosh, PowerMacintosh, Macintosh PowerBook and MacOS-compatiblecomputers. NetFinder combines the ease of use of the Macintosh interfacewith a powerful FTP engine. The result is a unique program that makes it a breeze to get and store files on internet FTP sites. If you can use a Mac, you can use this program! NetFinder supports a wide variety of FTP servers. Works with all popular FTP server software like wu-ftp, NetPresenz and Windows NT FTP server. You're probably wondering "so what about partial files?" Well, how many times have you started downloading a file to your local hard disk, and for some reason you couldn't finish it and you had to download the whole file again? With NetFinder, assuming the server you are trying to get the file from supports partial files, you can transfer as little or as much as you like, whenever you feel like it, and later continue transferring the rest from where you left off. That's right, you can transfer a bit of a file today and continue another day. This is especially useful when you want to transfer a file from a popular site (where you can only log in if you are lucky enough) but you are unable to transfer the whole file during one login session. It's also useful for transfering those multi megabyte (gigabyte?) files that no one has bothered to split up! ;-) NetFinder is released as shareware. You are allowed to use it for one month on a trial basis. If you decide to keep it after this trial period, you are obliged to register your copy/copies by sending in the registration form and the registration fee. When confirmation of your payment has been received, you will be sent a registration letter (preferably by email since it is much faster than "snail" mail) which will tell you how to register your copy of NetFinder. You may not distribute the registration letter or registered versions. "Why should I register?" NetFinder is the result of a lot of hard work and long hours. If you like it and wish to continue using it, please support the shareware system of software distribution by registering your copy/copies. We will be rewarded for our efforts and will be encour aged by your support to produce better versions (more features, bug fixes, etc.).